Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I've Got Nothing Today

Today will be an impromptu post. I really have nothing to say. The past 2 days have been an exercise in self control. I have had to make myself be productive. Really I just want to sit and veg on the sofa, drink a glass of wine or two and watch the conventions. Napping sounds nice too.

I think that self control is the difference between losers and winners. I bet that everyone has down days and lazy moments. It is those people that can overcome those times that have the edge in life. Most of us do not have and can not afford a life coach. That would be nice though.

I would probably resent it, but it would be a good thing if I had a coach with a bull horn yelling in my ear during the day. "Move Move Move!" or " Put that donut down!" or "Focus! Now is not the time for whining!"

I am from the Gen X "slacker" generation....sometimes I do understand the desire to not try...therefore not fail theory of life.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Pareto Focus

Pareto was a philosopher that identified the 80/20 rule. He realized that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work. It makes a whole lot of sense then to focus in on that 2o%.

I have had a moment of clarity over the weekend. My failure so far has been to convince people to use my service at a cost. I have had no problem finding businesses to sign up for the free trial. I need to figure out how to convert those people to customers.

The second thing that I need to focus on is growing my list of Christian shoppers. If this is there then the business owners I want to put on my list will follow me as if I were the Pied Piper.

I have brainstormed ideas. Now I just need to determine which strategy to apply first. What of my 20% will be the most effective (hence 20% of 20%.)

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Saturday, August 23, 2008


I find that I am truly alone in this venture. No one I know truly wants to help. I feel a bit like the hen making bread. I know that when I am successful everyone will want a piece, but I really am getting no support.

Sometimes you just need someone to turn to. Someone to care about it like you do.

This isn't the first time I have felt alone in my life. It is just so weird though to be surrounded by friends and family but to feel that no one really sees. No one really understands.

I wonder if I have the strength to go all the way alone. There is a very long road ahead. Today I am just putting one foot in front of the other and not holding my breath waiting for someone to ask," How can I help?"

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Does Anyone Listen Anymore?

I have been placing ads in various spots trying to gain some traction. The only responses that I have received are people wanting to sell me something. It just seems like everyone is yelling out to everyone else and no one is taking the time to listen. Maybe someone really does have something that will benefit me. I am making an effort to listen more to others and just maybe the favor will be returned.

I think this concept apples to business and personal life. What if we all just slowed down and listened to advertisements? (maybe there is really something good that someone is offering) What if we listened to the birds, the breeze and the patter of rain? What if we really listened to our family members and heard what they were trying to tell us? What if we really listened to God?

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back from Vacation

I am back from a long weekend visiting family. My intention was to work on Proverbs 31 List while I was away, but it just never worked out. It is hard trying to work in computer time on someone else's computer. I thought that it would be a piece of cake, but could never break away from the kids and the rest of the family without seeming rude.

Not to mention, the computer at my in laws was ancient and the mouse didn't work! I am going to have to bring my laptop and somehow work wirelessly next time I go.

This next to weeks should be exciting. I have 15 days of heavy hitting business marketing planned. That will be 15 days closer to my tipping point, where my business will work for me instead of me working for it.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Waiting on Traffic

I am doing all the right things, so at this point I am waiting for traffic to start trickling in. I feel very good in knowing that there are about 100 other things that I am going to do. I am just limited by time. You know things are bad when you are out of ideas. I am far from that state. My ideas are far outpacing my typing speed.

While I am in waiting and grinding out the work mode, I can't help but dream of shortcuts. I am fascinated with the thought of using the work smarter not harder premise to find the best and fasted method for traffic and then customer conversion. I literally can't fall asleep while my mind is whirring.

If it is out there, then I will find it.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Money Machine

You know that game where people get in the clear box and try to catch money that is being blown around? There are just so many pieces to grab!

Internet business is like this. There is a lot of money floating around out there, but if you are just jumping around and grabbing at it you will not be very successful. But what if you had a plan and some tools? This is where I am in my thoughts today. What is my plan and what are my basic tools.

Even though my plan is finally coming together, I am missing a big piece of the pie. I need time. I can't spend all day on the computer. Innovation is the key for me. What am I going to do to be more efficient and effective? To be cliche, I have to think outside the box. If it is a money box that we are talking about then taking a step out away from the excitement and emotion seems beneficial.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Keyword Domination

My focus has been on keywords. Had I been more thorough and patient, I would have done this research earlier in the creation of my website. It really is not all that fun though. Keywords remind me of 11th grade English for some reason.

You can not be successful without proper keyword domination though. You have to find the keywords that others are searching for and place your site into those keywords. You do this by using those keywords in your content and titles, by creating html tags with the keywords and embedding them in your site and if you choose to purchase ads you use these same keywords.

It is pretty easy to come up with keywords. The challenge is to find keywords that people are using for searches, but fewer webmasters are using. Some keywords are just so dominated that as a small guy on the scene, you really don't have much hope getting a high page rank.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


baby and mom
If you do not quit, you can not fail. Every day I spend hours reading and learning from the greats of internet marketing. Mostly I am getting my information for free, but when it is recommended enough by those I trust, I pay for a class or ebook. One theme all the successful internet marketers share is, you can not give up. You may need to adapt and throw out some bad techniques and replace them with good, but never quit.

There are several things working against me. My site is not very SEO friendly and because it is so complex and designed by another company, there is not a whole lot that I can do about it. My mission is a complex one as well. I am marketing to a broad range of people. I started out with no head start. I knew nothing. All of these things are contributing to a slow start.

I finally have a working strategy though. Article marketing, blogs and SEO strategies are my focus right now. I am also starting to dive into the Social Marketing networks.

Monetization has become a focus for me. While I am building my network, it would be fun to have some extra income coming in.

Sign up to get free sites to advertise your business and a copy of Free Traffic for Broke Marketers from Proverbs 31 List! Click here

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bum Marketing

Today I finished up my first Squidoo page. I have learned that Squidoo can be a big part of a free marketing campaign (bum marketing). It was time consuming, but I hoping that it will be worth the effort.

One great thing about creating links is that they won't be fading. This Squidoo page should be a around for a long time.

In addition to the Squidoo page, I am beginning to add pictures to my blog. They definitely add something extra to the text and apparently Google gets happy when you add them. I need to look into whether or not you have to have tags on them of some sort. I am pretty sure that you do, I don't think that Google can read images. One more thing to learn.

It is a good thing that I enjoy the process.

Here is a link to my Squidoo lens. Click here. The hands are a picture from my lens.

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Copywriting - A New Priority

There is no doubt that copywriting is important. I wish it wasn't so. Wouldn't it be nice to just plop down some words and say,"done." I admit that copywriting has not been a major focus for me as of yet. Much of my time has been spent learning how to create and maintain a website, establishing basic business techniques and beginning to dive in to internet marketing.

Yesterday I spent most of my day reworking pages on my website and email system to reflect the fact that I am getting rid of my free trial. It was a great opportunity to brush up my copywriting skills. I think that I made some headway, but copywriting is something that one has to keep improving on.

First I have begun to test everything I write by the question "so what?" If I can't come up with a good answer for that question and fast then I am going to rewrite until I do. Secondly I am focusing my copy to pressure someone with fear, greed, guilt, exclusivity, anger, salvation or flattery. These are the pressure points that provoke action.

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Friday, August 8, 2008

No More Mister Nice Girl

Okay, that is it. I have had enough. My learning curve has been pretty quick. I read fast and I am open to learning from those that have gone before me and been successful. When I make a decision, I act quickly and decisively. No playing around.

When it comes down to it, it is all about the niche. Who are you appealing too? I thought it was Christians. I was wrong. My niche is serious Christians, those in business and those who are consumers. People who really are committed to using their resources to advance the kingdom of God.

I have been playing around with encouragement and feel good support. I have offered freebies out the wazoo. (is that a real word?) I don't have time to motivate the soft Christian to do the right thing. My target is the Christian that is already committed to the idea of supporting Christian businesses...and only needs a quick and easy way to do it.

Free trials are gone. Pony up my Christian friend.

Get free sites to advertise your business and a copy of Free Traffic for Broke Marketers from Proverbs 31 List! Click here

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kaizening Proverbs 31 List

Today's theme on all of my blogs has been Kaizen. The Japanese use this term to define continuous improvement in an orderly and gradual manner. I have encouraged my business moms and stay at home moms to apply this idea to their homes and businesses. To put my money where my mouth is....How will I apply this to Proverbs 31 List?

The term grabbed my imagination and attention because God has already been "discussing" this with me. My nature is one of a creative, deep thinking. Like most "artists," I work in fits and starts when I feel inspired. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but working in an artistic style is not very conducive to being responsive to customer needs or internet marketing. These things have to be done everyday.

So to help my everyday work schedule, I have started a journal to house my various "to do" lists. I am prioritizing my marketing methods and I will be submitting articles everyday and submitting my blogs to blog rolls everyday. I will chip away at the mountain one swing of the hammer at a time.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Work you love is still work

Deep in all of our hearts (at least most of us) we really just want to win the lottery. It would have been nice to be born a Paris Hilton with all luxury, no worries, and no real responsibility. I am certainly one of those people who hate work. It is not that I can't find satisfaction in a job well done. I would never turn down a life full of parties, vacations, rest and play.

Even though I love my new business. I appreciate the fact that I can stay home and work in my pajamas. It is still just work. Sometimes I just have to make myself get on the computer and do the things that need to be done. Self motivation is the hardest type to come by and the hardest to sustain.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Need for Stay at Home Work

Before the modernization of culture, families ran farms or stores. Children grew up in the family work environment and were usually trained in that family skill. It was a beautiful system for the parent and child relationship, but it did have its limitations for the advancement of technology and progress.

As men headed off into a work force away from their families. Women inherited all the child rearing duties and often lost influence over tasks beyond their home.

Women have a need to be productive and useful in society beyond the walls of their home, although many feel that their primary duty and ministry is to their children. Every woman has gifts and talents that ache to be let loose on the world.

The internet is in many ways a blessing to these women. It provides an outlet to the world and a place for women to use thier skills and showcase their talents. If a woman can fins a way to bring additional income into her family in the process, then the internet becomes more than a blessing.....it becomes a miracle in her life.

Sign up to get free sites to advertise your business and a copy of Free Traffic for Broke Marketers and a free trial of Proverbs 31 List! Click here

Monday, August 4, 2008

Viral Time- Perseverance

My personal thoughts regarding the Proverbs 31 Mission is that it is past time for this thing to go viral. So far every small gain has been a direct result for my personal efforts. This site just will not succeed unless members and supporters decide that they want it to. The word has to start spreading because it is worth while. I am confident still. I am pretty sure that this is God teaching me perseverance. I will keep plugging away until He says stop....but I am wondering when the tipping point will be reached and the ball starts rolling down the hill of its own momentum.

Much love,

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Web Doesn't Sleep- Should I?

How much should one work when building a business? This is hard for me to determine. Part of the goal of a home business is to actually have some time to spend with your family....doing family things. It seems that lately my family is living around me while I am glued to the computer. How much is too much?

The process of ironing out time limits for your work day must happen or burn out will. My newest thought is that I need to create a schedule and work during "work hours" and then shut this computer down.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ready Fire Aim!

Unlike the traditional "ready aim fire," I am finding that the internet marketing world is better suited to "ready, fire, aim." Certainly, you must prepare yourself, but it is so easy to overprepare and miss the target. It is much better to jump into marketing and correct as you go than to make sure everything is lined up perfectly before a product launch.

I wish I could say that my aim has been perfect, but that would be untruthful. I am learning as I go and self correcting. The online world moves way too fast for most people to be prepared. You have a better chance of making a hit by taking aim quickly and often.

So....get out there and just start doing what needs to be done.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Technologically Resistant

Truth be told, I am a hammock swinging, book reading, paper list making type of girl. I don't want to be resistant to technology, but I confess that I am. Today I just forced myself to stumble through this whole RSS/ Feedburner thing. I still don't think I "get it." Here is to hoping that everything was done the way it should have been!

Looking down the road, I wonder if I will be that old lady that just can't get that "new-fangled gadget" to work. Probably so. Today though I will push forward and learn something new. My site and my mission is important enough. I am off to go figure out "pinging"

Friday, June 20, 2008

The World Wide Web and Super Target

When I walk into a Super Target my brain goes gooey and I start weaving without purpose down the aisles. I try to stay focused (really I do!) ...I even bring a list, but it is honestly all too much. Too much color...to many bargains....and you can forget about me bypassing the dollar spot.

I have found that carving out a space in the world wide web is a lot like staying focused on my list in Target. There are so many ways to promote and market your business that it is difficult to find the right place to start.

Right now I am hoping that just like a beautiful bargain on the Target shelves that I am found by wandering ladies who are also not focused. My long term plan has to do with men though....they will keep you from lolligaging around. I have located a wonderful source full of focused men (and to be fair women) who really know how to market the web. Just like my husbans keeps me to the point when he comes along on target excursions, I am confident that my male mentors will keep me heading directly to the check out counter.

To get serious about marketing and promotion check out my men (and women) at:

head to Proverbs 31 List.com

Monday, June 16, 2008

Spinning Plates on Sticks

Balancing all of your chores and responsibilities in life feels a bit like that circus act where the man keeps all of the plates spinning on tall sticks. You just know that one of them is going to fall. If if they are not falling then some plates are awfully wobbly.

As a business mom from home, I feel like the plate spinner with all of my plates in some state of wobble. If I get one area of my life running smoothly the rest seems to fall apart. Business, homekeeping, child care, family time, maintaining a healthy body. There just is not enough time in the day.

All I can do is trust that if I am not spinning a certain plate fast enough that God is there right behind me, making sure that the plate doesn't fall.

Please visit our main site: http://www.proverbs31list.com/ and sign up for our free newsletter.

Monday, June 9, 2008

We are not yet home

Today I am experiencing the frustration of things just not working like they are supposed to. I just spent 30 minutes trying to work out a problem regarding our domain name, only to end up right back where I started. 30 minutes is a lot of time to waste, especially when my toddler was peaceful during that span of time! I could have been sitting on my rear end with some coffee and come to the same conclusion. Ugh!

Days like this though remind me that we are not yet home. We are in this world, but we are not of it. We are not supposed to be happy and content here on this earth. Things are not supposed to work out perfectly every day. I am reminded that I am anxiously awaiting the next life, the one where I see my savior face to face and there is no pain or death....I am pretty sure that things will go much easier in the kingdom to come.

Monday, June 2, 2008

What is a Proverbs 31 mom anyway?

Proverbs 31 is the chapter of the Bible that describes the woman who is valued more than rubies. She is a woman who rises early and cares for her family. She is a manager of her home in that she delegates and is able to balance all the many needs of a large household. On top of all of that she also brings in income for her family due to small business efforts. Wow...she makes most women either hang their head in shame or cringe out of jealousy! She is certainly a woman to admire.
For our purposes a Proverbs 31 Mom is a mom who wants to be able to stay home to tend to the needs of her family and is willing to own a business and work from home to do it. The Proverbs 31 Mom is on a mission.....and Christians should make an effort to support that mission!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hello new blog

I am not much of a writer. I am an idea girl, but here I am. Conventional internet wisdom says that blogging helps your website gain a following....so I guess I write.

The only way that I will make it through the drudgery of writing is to communicate through my own conversational style. You will need to suspend all belief in grammatical rules to follow along. I will however try and keep the spelling errors to a minimum.

Am I the only one in the internet world that hoped that creating an internet business would be a whole lot less time consuming. I am trying to figure out what is better for me today....sending the little ones off to day care or having them pull my pants down as they cling to my legs trying to get my attention while I type this...

So here we begin: The joys and frustration of attempting to reach and maintain a grasp on the Proverbs 31 woman status. Actually, I think we will begin tommorow.