Monday, August 25, 2008

Pareto Focus

Pareto was a philosopher that identified the 80/20 rule. He realized that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work. It makes a whole lot of sense then to focus in on that 2o%.

I have had a moment of clarity over the weekend. My failure so far has been to convince people to use my service at a cost. I have had no problem finding businesses to sign up for the free trial. I need to figure out how to convert those people to customers.

The second thing that I need to focus on is growing my list of Christian shoppers. If this is there then the business owners I want to put on my list will follow me as if I were the Pied Piper.

I have brainstormed ideas. Now I just need to determine which strategy to apply first. What of my 20% will be the most effective (hence 20% of 20%.)

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