Friday, June 20, 2008

The World Wide Web and Super Target

When I walk into a Super Target my brain goes gooey and I start weaving without purpose down the aisles. I try to stay focused (really I do!) ...I even bring a list, but it is honestly all too much. Too much many bargains....and you can forget about me bypassing the dollar spot.

I have found that carving out a space in the world wide web is a lot like staying focused on my list in Target. There are so many ways to promote and market your business that it is difficult to find the right place to start.

Right now I am hoping that just like a beautiful bargain on the Target shelves that I am found by wandering ladies who are also not focused. My long term plan has to do with men though....they will keep you from lolligaging around. I have located a wonderful source full of focused men (and to be fair women) who really know how to market the web. Just like my husbans keeps me to the point when he comes along on target excursions, I am confident that my male mentors will keep me heading directly to the check out counter.

To get serious about marketing and promotion check out my men (and women) at:

head to Proverbs 31

Monday, June 16, 2008

Spinning Plates on Sticks

Balancing all of your chores and responsibilities in life feels a bit like that circus act where the man keeps all of the plates spinning on tall sticks. You just know that one of them is going to fall. If if they are not falling then some plates are awfully wobbly.

As a business mom from home, I feel like the plate spinner with all of my plates in some state of wobble. If I get one area of my life running smoothly the rest seems to fall apart. Business, homekeeping, child care, family time, maintaining a healthy body. There just is not enough time in the day.

All I can do is trust that if I am not spinning a certain plate fast enough that God is there right behind me, making sure that the plate doesn't fall.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

We are not yet home

Today I am experiencing the frustration of things just not working like they are supposed to. I just spent 30 minutes trying to work out a problem regarding our domain name, only to end up right back where I started. 30 minutes is a lot of time to waste, especially when my toddler was peaceful during that span of time! I could have been sitting on my rear end with some coffee and come to the same conclusion. Ugh!

Days like this though remind me that we are not yet home. We are in this world, but we are not of it. We are not supposed to be happy and content here on this earth. Things are not supposed to work out perfectly every day. I am reminded that I am anxiously awaiting the next life, the one where I see my savior face to face and there is no pain or death....I am pretty sure that things will go much easier in the kingdom to come.

Monday, June 2, 2008

What is a Proverbs 31 mom anyway?

Proverbs 31 is the chapter of the Bible that describes the woman who is valued more than rubies. She is a woman who rises early and cares for her family. She is a manager of her home in that she delegates and is able to balance all the many needs of a large household. On top of all of that she also brings in income for her family due to small business efforts. Wow...she makes most women either hang their head in shame or cringe out of jealousy! She is certainly a woman to admire.
For our purposes a Proverbs 31 Mom is a mom who wants to be able to stay home to tend to the needs of her family and is willing to own a business and work from home to do it. The Proverbs 31 Mom is on a mission.....and Christians should make an effort to support that mission!